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Es recomana reservar per telèfon:
Jai-ca 1: Ginebra, 13 – 93 268 32 65 / Jai-ca 2: Ginebra, 9 i 7 – 93 319 91 64
Per correu: reserves@barjaica.com

Reservations can not be secured less than 24 hours in advance.

You need to receive a confirmation email to have the reservation.

We encourage you to come too and you will be listed on the list.

We ask punctuality The table will be kept for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Bar jai-ca, Carrer de Ginebra, 13, Barcelona, España

Bar Jai-ca 2, Carrer de Ginebra, Barcelona, España

For all inquiries and information contact us at: info@barjaica.com
We are open every day from 9 AM – 11:30 PM

Jai Ca: Ginebra, 13 – 93 268 32 65
Jai Ca 2: Ginebra, 9 – 93 319 91 64